I have called Davis a monkey for a while now so of course I could not resist a bubble with monkeys on it! I am telling him he is a monkey in these pictures and you can tell he has heard it a few times! I was hillarious that day:) I love to hear him laugh and giggle- its one of the sweetest sounds in the world!
Easter morning was beautiful! We went to church and then to BeBe and Big Daddy's house for lunch and baskets:) We all took a little nap and enjoyed being with family. I hope Everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter!
Well, March has come and gone way too fast! Partly because of illness and tax season but also because our little boy is growing up way too fast! This month he found his feet, continues to bable but with new sounds and much greater volume, we started cereal and fruits, puts a lot of weight on his legs standing and attempting to pull himself up to a sitting position. We still have a long way to go on sitting up but he no longer likes to sit back and rest up against anyone. He still HATES his tummy so I have about decided he may never crawl:( he rolls to his sides but he wants nothing to do with being on his tummy. I don't know what to do about that- I have been putting him on his stomach since he was 2 weeks old- what else can I do?
Now that the weather has warmed up we have been taking rides in the stroller- he loves to be outside! Thank goodness because he loves TV too! His favorites are Scooby -Doo and The Backyardagains! We are really going to have to watch the amount of time he watches TV!Davis attended his first easter egg hunts and got to meet the Easter bunny! He was less than impressed with the bunny, just kind of rubbed his soft suit. Easter pictures to come!